» » 2017. A good year for Female Entrepreneurs

2017. A good year for Female Entrepreneurs

pagoskawaii 6 de April del 2017 Business
The multi-million dollar entrepreneurial women are taking more places in the richest men of the world list. According to Forbes Magazine, this year, there are more multimillionaire women than any other year in the history of this list in 30 years. Nowadays, the record said there is about 56 women that made their own 10-digit fortune. Also 15 of them were made during the last year. But, this is not the only way that billionaire women are breaking records this year.

Where are these women from?

Asia continues to demonstrate that it is the most prosperous region for entrepreneur women. From the 15 newcomers to the Forbes list, 13 come from China, Hong Kong, Vietnam or Japan. For the second consecutive year, the world’s richest woman, from Hong Kong, is Zhou Qun Fei. Her China-based company Lens Technology, manufactures glass covers for handsets and mobile devices for customers such as Apple and Samsung. Since 2010, there has only been one year when the world’s richest woman does not come from Asia.

A record.

This is another new record: The number of entrepreneur women in the billionaire list is higher than ever before: 2.7%, compared to 2.3% last year. While entrepreneurial women still make up just a small part of the world’s richest list, they are a fast-growing group. Just five years ago, entrepreneur female accounted for 1.8% of the list, which means 50% less.

Forbes List.

Forbes listing number 30 includes more than 2,000 names whose total assets amount to $7.67 trillion. It is the highest amount in history and the group had never accumulated so much wealth. But the entrepreneurial billionaires join the three zeros club faster. The group has increased 170% since 2009, compared with the number of billionaires who had a 157% increase.

But, not only the amount of women has increased. The wealth quantity of these women have also created a record figure, this means, 1.68% of the world’s richest people, towards 1.49% of last year.

Another record.

Entrepreneurial billionaires have a combined net worth of $ 129 billion, compared with $ 96.9 billion last years. 2017 is the first year that Forbes keeps track of multi-billion-dollar female entrepreneur with more than $ 100 billion in assets.

While the percentage points of growth for entrepreneurial women seem small when comparing the wealth of all billionaires, the reality is that this group is growing at a much faster rate. Entrepreneurial women have a combined net worth 16% higher than the abundance of multimillionaires in general. That percentage, which is also a record, has doubled during the last five years.

As you can see, entrepreneurial women are doing an excellent job in terms in gaining profits every year. We can see how women are taking control of their lives, while accumulating millions of dollars.

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