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Inspire investors with an exciting and inspiring pitch

pagoskawaii 29 de June del 2017 Business
Finding capital for your business can be a complicated task, but if you tell an attractive story you can convince investors.

You have a great idea. Maybe you even own a good business, so why does not anyone want to invest in it? The secret never told to raise money is that you must see this board with investors as a job interview. Be sure they will wonder if you have taken money from other investors and made it into more money.

If the answer is no.

If the answer is no, the collection process may look like a job interview in which you will see that you have no experience. You are practically asking them to have faith and many times these people are sharp and difficult to convince. You need a pitch that not only describes the business, but also show why it excites and inspires you. Here you have some tips for that.

  1. Choose the right audience.
Identify the type of investor you need. Your business stage, and the amount you are seeking to raise will determine the type of investors you should go to. Know your audience. Make your presentation to meet the goals and needs of the people you are approaching. Speak to them in a language in which they are accustomed, and imagine a picture according to their goals.

  1. Tell a story.
Do you think your business will be the next Uber? Trust and believe. Show why your company is going to conquer the world and how you plan to do it. Make your pitch like you are doing a storyboard for a movie. Do not spend all your time proving the value of your company in the present, investors want to hear about the future. Show them how this investment will make your business worth much more. As the author of this story, have them have an interesting argument and an exciting conclusion.

Be bold.             

If your business is passionate about you and you’re just starting out or planning to expand, communicates that passion to potential investors. What is the great potential of your business? Describe how you will captivate the industry, and do things differently.

  1. Keep it simple.
You may assume that if you are making a presentation to experienced individuals they will easily understand your business model. But if you have been working in an industry for a long time, maybe you have developed a way of expressing yourself that not many people will understand. Avoid using this type of language. Develop a pitch that a child on your street can understand. A good business concept solves a basic need that everyone can envision. If you do not have those 30 seconds in your pitch, maybe you are not ready to raise money.

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