» » Latin America and its Business opportunities

Latin America and its Business opportunities

pagoskawaii 14 de April del 2017 Business
One of the thousands of ways to do business is to know in which country you are going to establish your future business. It is an almost necessary fact to know what country has the best business standards so that in this way they can have monetary fruits from the foundation of their company and in turn draw the monetary fruits that have arisen from the establishment of it. In Latin America there are two perfect countries to establish businesses with a great possibility of making money within them: Mexico and Chile.


Mexico is one of the easiest Latin American countries to do business and thrive in it. The state of Mexico has a wide range of options for foreign investors to have the opportunity to establish their businesses in the Aztec country. These opportunities and facilities offered by Mexico have a large judicial, tax and low tax system. These taxes vary according to the different regions within the Mexican state.

In addition to this the skilled workforce that exists in Mexico is one of the most advanced in the whole of Latin America, it is not surprising that despite being in the 38th position of doing business worldwide, it is in the first Place within the region of Latin America.

It is also worth noting that in the Mexican state it has free trade agreements with the United States, Canada and the European Union. So import and export goods are very easy and very didactic. It is estimated that a small entrepreneur who establishes his business within Mexico can earn $ 50,000 quarterly.


Chile is a sovereign state that facilitates the opening of business in the Southern Cone of America. Its great access to the pacific ocean, as well as its great commercial relations with all the countries of the region, makes chile an option to open a business within Latin America.

Chile has many facilities to do business, its currency is one of the most stable and the goods and services provided by the Chilean state to foreign investors makes it a great country to see the monetary fruits of your company in a few months. Its great competitiveness in the local market and the great flexibility in establishing any trade that offers any good can be quite productive and interesting for anyone who visits Chile and decides to invest in it.

The taxes in Chile tend to be very varied and it depends on each region that the enterprise east. One of the most common strategies that large entrepreneurs have is to open branches in the north of the country (where there is a great market movement) and open their factories in the south of the country (where the lowest taxes are). With this strategy, it is estimated that large entrepreneurs earn about $ 35,000 to $ 40,000 quarterly.

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