Within the world of business via the internet, there are many ways to charge the services or products offered. The vast majority of people choose bank transfers, bank deposits, paypal or Neteller. These alternatives are born thanks to the fact that the businesses within the internet are growing a lot and are a real and lasting alternative to the old business of buying a local and setting up your own business.
However, even most people who move their business on the internet choose paypal or neteller, the hard truth is that these two alternatives are becoming very strict in opening accounts and this becomes increasingly difficult for the underdeveloped countries. However, a different alternative to paypal and neteller: Payza.
This virtual wallet can receive any currency and is easy and fast to create and use. In this post we will talk about the facilities of placing Payza as an option for your means of payments and collections within the internet. Without more to say: let’s begin.
What is Payza?
Payza was born as an alternative to Paypal and neteller in the middle of the year 2014. This is a very popular processor since it offers many facilities to open a custom and business account. In the personalized account you have free options while the business account has many more options than the staff but a certain percentage of your earnings.
For people working in the freelancer world, payza should be an option to take into account since this is accepted in 150 countries and has 21 currencies (including Bitcoin). In the business account, it is an investment opportunity since this has enormous facilities for transactions both bank to payza accounts and bank deposits to accounts payza and an exchanger included.
It is also a very good alternative for companies since Payza has payment buttons, integration of shopping cart, refund of money in case there is a bankrupt transaction, personalized customer attention and many other advantages for people who have Own business on the internet.
Internet businesses can see in Payza a rather broader alternative than a Paypal or Neteller account. It can be opened with any email account (but it is better to open it with a gmail email account). And it also offers many alternatives so that, in case your company or you are collecting bitcoins, payza has a bitcoin virtual wallet where you can save these precious virtual coins.
Payza is a very good alternative for all the countries that it is very difficult to obtain American dollars within the own country. Payza offers this service to countries such as Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, among other countries. In this way it’s a very good alternative for all people unlike Paypal or Neteller.