» » Stop calling “entrepreneurs” everyone

Stop calling “entrepreneurs” everyone

pagoskawaii 1 de June del 2017 Business
There is a big difference between being an entrepreneur and owning a small business. So many business people are considered entrepreneurs that it has become difficult to identify who they are. We can see very often that people confuse the term with owning a business.

Many people can put a juice stand, but few can develop a company from its foundations and run from there to its flotation or shareholder participation. Understanding the difference between setting up a business and being a high-impact entrepreneur is critical to the economy of the future.

Main Entrepreneur features.

The harvest of an entrepreneur work is the insatiable quest to do more, more and more. They cannot simply stop do it that, and we are not overreacting.

Despite what you may believe, entrepreneurs are not endlessly brave. In fact, entrepreneurs are driven more by failure fear, or by losing an opportunity (much more than by seeking recognition). The real fear of an entrepreneur is not to live by taking advantage of what he or she considers a unique opportunity. The fear of an alleged failure is worse than failure itself.

Entrepreneurs do not celebrate failure because they believe themselves they are better than others, they celebrate it because it is very difficult to see yourself in the mirror when things do not go as you expected. The concept of “successful failure” (that is, you are not advancing well enough if you do not have a couple of stumbles) is a mantra that causes many entrepreneurs to rise from bad times and re-charge.

What are the other features?

The capital funds invest in projects, and the entrepreneur population continues to grow. There are more and more incubators, boosters, and infrastructures that support people’s efforts with great ideas.

X (formerly known as Google X) says that a real “moonshot” is more than looking for a poor 10% profit; A good moonshot should seek to improve 10 times a current problem. The combination of a big problem with a radical solution, and a great technological discovery that solves that crisis is the essence of a moonshot. What is lacking in this definition is the draconian entrepreneurs’ needs to add their personal ambition to others’ money, and the ability to convince people to take them on a crazy path.

Entrepreneurs do not mind trying to be different. They simply are.

You are a business owner if…

The owner of a business on the other hand, builds a company piece by piece. They generally solve small and localized problems with their company, but they are not trying to discover how to boil water. These people generate most of the jobs, because they cover a much larger need area, but they are not shaking the status quo, neither creating new markets or advancing the economy with quantum leaps.

They seek less risks, and if one day they achieve a moonshot, it is just by accident. Small businesses are created to give a way of life to owners and employees. There is nothing serial in them. These people are the ones who manage to have life balance, and work without difficulty.

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