Design comfortable auto-service stores by thinking on elderly people’s needs, and get your income by facilitating their daily purchases.
Current society has made business being more modern and focus in satisfying younger families’ needs, by offering them a distribution inside supermarkets that sometimes result into something uncomfortable for elderly people.
As we get older, we lose certain abilities that are not taking into consideration by the market. For example, the size that prices are displayed, the height where some products are placed, and the narrow space to move around the store.
On the other hand, demography shows that each time, there is a higher number of elderly people around the world, that is why there are a lot of possibilities to find an opportunity for making business on this niche. Apart from that, it helps to satisfy a need which is evident every day.
Elderly people need a place where they can be comfortably, and find a full service that makes them feel they have a space designed especially for them where they will find all the products they are looking for in a very easy and convenient way.
To carry out this business, you will need a wide place where you can set the service. The first thing you must do is to make sure that the place has a comfortable access for elderly people, with an accessible ramp easy to use for them.
Then, you should use gondolas to display the products in a way that they are not so high. You must also design a way to present the prices with the prices big enough and with the best clarity possible.
An important point to highlight on this is that the place should have wide aisles, with the purpose of your customers can move with absolute freedom. You can also offer a bus service that can pick the people from their homes, and take them back after buying.
Finally, you must count with an important variety of products. In this way, elderly people will only have to go to the supermarket to buy all the products they need, and they should not go to other places that do not fit for them.
Successful examples.
Covirán: this Spanish supermarket is a national cooperative of products of high consumption, that is characterized by their proximity location, personalized treatment, and services that adapt themselves for elderly people for them to make their purchases in a satisfactory way.
Adeg: this chain that has its headquarter in Salzburg, Austria. They created a special supermarket for elderly people called ADEG AktienMarkt 50+, assisting people at the age of 50 and more, with a special light system, wide aisles, anti-slipping floors, carts with incorporated chairs, big labels, gondolas with inferior shelves, hanging magnifying glasses, and loan glasses services for reading the small letters, lots of places to take a rest, and a variety of products by segment.