» » Intelligent highways: A step to the future

Intelligent highways: A step to the future

pagoskawaii 1 de March del 2017 High Life
Motorways have become sceneries where cars interact with technological advances that allow authorities to intervene quickly against any inconvenience, improve traffic, and support drivers with valuable and instant information.

Extensive roads that link countries have had to evolve to adapt to the technological innovations that the automotive sector and transportation systems demand. The possibility that a vehicle will operate without a driver, or a car that will stop at the side of the road if the driver falls asleep while driving is just some few examples of how it is necessary to create ecosystems in which modern cars and freeways interact to each other to achieve improvements such as increase travel speed and increase safety.

The aim.

The goal is that these avenues become advanced platforms that allow infrastructure (such as traffic signs and tolls) with vehicles to communicate and share relevant information. In this way, the driver can know in advance if an accident was registered, or if the weather conditions are making difficult the vehicle passage by certain point. Therefore, with the help of a navigation system, you receive recommendations of alternative roads and you can reduce the wait time of people inside the vehicle while gas consumption is reduced, and the subsequent emissions derived by fossil fuels.

First steps.

In Europe, these collaborative models involving vehicles and road infrastructure have already begun to be implemented. Through this type of solutions, technological industry companies are looking for making more efficient the displacements from beginning to end of the road. Starting by the moment the driver starts the car and sets the most convenient route, passing through toll cabins with automatic payment. To end in a parking lot that can be reserved and paid through an integrated software on the vehicle.

Even in emergency situations, technology can guarantee that response teams such as ambulances, police cars and fire brigades take priority on their journeys, causing the least trauma in other vehicles on the road.

Structural improvements.

Some of the transportation infrastructure in which technology can be exhibited is on tunnels. In this constructions, advancements are vital not only to guarantee an adequate traffic, but to alter possible problems needed to solve immediately as damaged cars, gas accumulations, or fires.

Thanks to devices installed inside the tunnels, it is possible to automate measurements to determine when a congestion is occurring at a particular point or which are the ways to be cleared and used as an entry and exit route in case of an emergency.

A complete system is added that must be kept in continuous operation, which guarantees the normal operation of the space. This includes ventilation systems, indoor lighting, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), fire extinguishing systems and internal signaling systems; All these elements that turn the tunnels into real intelligent infrastructures.


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