» » Some Business internet models with big ideas

Some Business internet models with big ideas

pagoskawaii 26 de July del 2017 Business
Within the internet world, there are several business models that can be profitable if they are applied well enough to do so. The internet has become the window to the world through our computers and thanks to the internet you can buy, sell and even be inside the world without leaving our homes.

Many people have gotten their own business model thanks to the internet, in fact the different successful models that will be shown below are usually very profitable within the internet. That is why if you want to start in the internet business, you may be interested in some of these ideas.

The Affiliate Industry

We can already call it industry because the growth it will experience in the next few years will be important (the same as in the US and UK markets). This business is based on something as simple as the generation of registrations and sales of products and services by other portals. The main characteristic is that this activity is remunerated to objectives (CPA: cost per acquisition).

The main players in this business are advertisers or companies that intend to sell, affiliates (websites that offer these products) and affiliate networks (agencies that group a whole series of affiliates to relieve the work of advertisers).


Business model focused on the online sale of products where this website neither produces nor stores said product. These ecommerce what they do is find a reliable supplier, they put their margin and only pass the realized sales so that it serves the clients. There are no production or storage costs.

Business Collaborative Consumer (P2P)

To understand this type of activities I recommend that you read the 5 Ways to profit from collaborative consumption. This type of business what they do is satisfy needs of exchange or buy-sell between users. It is very profitable to undertake since only efficient platforms need to be produced that meet these needs.

Professional writing company

The business opportunity is based on creating a professional online copywriting agency that deals with different types of topics: translations, writing, write a blog, wordpress, etc. The text is the main element for the good positioning in search engines, that is why the one written in a professional way has become a very important service in Internet.

Create and monetize your Blog

One of the most profitable supports of the Internet are blogs. If you are an expert on some topic, you sure do, and you want to share it with the world you just have to create a blog and let your ideas flow inside the screen.

If your blog gets hits, you will have reached your goal because you can start making money, whether by advertising, affiliate marketing, promotions, sales, etc. Being a blogger is a business with a lot of future, besides that if you like the content you create, you will turn your hobby into a job.

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